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Customer Base

From design and prototype development to full rate production, MCT's successes range from nuclear and chemical munitions transporters and self-propelled ground support equipment to large scale plant fabrication and construction.



We really appreciate your dedication to the Air Force and all your overzealous work ethics in support of the Mx Stand programs and the many other programs that you guys sustain for our military services.  This year has been very challenging and MCT always steps to the challenge and words can't express our appreciation for helping us through the rough times.   We ARE a TEAM and we are SO GLAD that MCT is part of our govt/military family.  We THANK you for all the late hours you guys and your MCT team has dedicated toward our programs!  Please pass on our sentiments to all MCT employees.


Maintenance IPT

Dear Claudine,


You may recall briefly meeting in early February, when I was supporting your company with CE marking the ETU for the Air Force to use in Europe.


Now my work for you has been handed over and essentially all is done and dusted, I just wanted to drop you a line.  A line to say thanks to you and all your guys for the enormous hospitality and openness you all shared with me, which made my task far more rewarding and interesting on a personal basis than most client engagements.  In particular, Ernesto and Jorge on the shop floor, Hope in the design team, the two Johns and Sam as the senior managers all went out of their way to accommodate and help, as did a bunch of other people, but these guys consistently and routinely.


If it's not inappropriate, I'd like to also reiterate a comment I made at the time, which in some form you may wish to communicate to your team as the view of an external consultant who reviews machinery worldwide.  You guys have really nailed how to work together professionally.  The attitudes of everyone I met was superb: really hard but well-considered determined work with a sense of humor and totally constructive approach to making stuff happen, and happen right.  The quality of your product is proof of the pudding.  


Of all the equipment I have inspected in the US for EU export, the ETU was by far the most conforming straight out of the box.  Without trying to be too obsequious, you knock the socks off every other company I've seen in the US.  That doesn't happen by accident, and as a former army officer I have a pretty good idea how it does come about.  Only good well trained people can really perform, and they only follow folk they really respect.


It was a genuine pleasure to work with your team, and should you ever seek further support in the European field, I would be delighted to assist in whatever way I can.


I wish you, your company and your family every possible continued success.






Rupert Witherow MBA, BEng
Senior Regulatory Consultant

MCT Industries was a valued team member to Battelle that was critical to the success of the technical execution team for the Program. The contributions by MCT were a key factor in ensuring an aggressive schedule and challenging technical requirements were satisfied. As prime contractor, Battelle never had any reservations or concerns with the technical contributions of MCT Industries – either with the completeness of the information provided or the timeliness of the contributions. Mr. John Drake, MCT’s Project Engineer for the Program, maintained an open line of communications between organizations to ensure that when challenges were encountered a collaborative solution to the issue was able to be identified.


Team DTRA is fortunate to have an incredible
honorary commander whose company is
dedicated to providing quaiity products
for our warfighters. We thank them for their
time and look forward to our continued

Ms. Martinez,


I will definitely pass along.  As we have all mentioned to  you, it has been our privilege and honor to have you as our Honorary Commander.  You've set the bar very high for all others following you. 


I am very much looking forward to visiting the MCT facilities and getting to know your team which has provided us with the very best equipment across the entire Department of Defense(DoD).  It truly makes a difference in both organizing, training, and equipping; but, more importantly as we have used and continue to use it in Desert Shield/Storm, the current 16-year Operations ENDURING FREEDOM and INHERENT RESOLVE, and many others which cannot even be mentioned  I've personally seen you're equipment in place and being utilized at many forward operating locations during combat operations ensuring mission success.  And now, in my new position  in the Nuclear Enterprise I see how incredibly important your products are to one of the most vital missions we have in the DoD ... Nuclear Deterrence.  It's quite impressive how a New Mexico small business can make such an impact.  I applaud your family, especially your father with his modest beginnings; your workforce; and most importantly you because you continue to make strides in building relationships with your community and Department of Defense.  I  salute you and your team.  Thank you for being an extraordinary addition to our team and we look forward to a very long-lasting relationship. 



Very Respectfully,


Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Chief, Nuclear Logistics Operations Department DSN 246-85734


Department of Defense





Department of Energy

 -National Nuclear

Security Administration

 -National Labs

    -Los Alamos


    -Lawrence Berkley



National Guard

Coast Guard


Private Sector:

BAE Systems




EG & G

Kipper Tool

Lear Seigler

Lockheed Martin

Pratt & Whitney



© 2015 by MCT Industries Inc., MCT Manufacturing LLC

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